The Tale Of The Dreaded Buccaneer, The SEO Wolf

The SEO Wolf, Scourge of the Seven Search Engines

The SEO Wolf, Scourge of the Seven Search Engines

Who is this SEO Wolf?

His real name is Horia Neagu, but he came to be known by the alias “the SEO Wolf“, Scourge of the Seven Search Engines. He is a full-time Internet marketer and antrepreneur and a past-time buccaneer. He bacame involved in web development and web content management in the year of our Lord 1998, an endeavour that led this pirate of the SERPs to become fascinated with power searching. Sailing on numerous ships, like the Royal Netscape Navigator 4.0 and His Majesty’s Internet Explorer 5, the SEO Wolf encountered many a fascinating wonders of the World Wide Web and became increasingly attracted to the way Search Engines function.

Being an autodidactic swashbuckler that he is, the SEO Wolf has since spent countless hours mastering various skills and techniques, from link building, onsite optimization and social media marketing, to PPC campaign management, web metrics management and email marketing, each day honing his Internet marketing capabilities, hoping to one day obtain the most well-guarded treasure of the Seven Search Engines: the Royal Navy of Google’s ranking algorithm.

What does the SEO Wolf do?

The SEO Wolf occasionally boasts about stemming from a background of communication science even prior to his specialization as online marketer. Having studied traditional PR and marketing, he feels his academic background grants him braging rights among his fellow marketers, who are usually web developers-turned-antrepreneurs. His knowledge and wit quickly earned the SEO Wolf a reputation as a true professional in the game of SERPs swashbuckling. Since 2005, he has managed various marketing campaigns for the most diverse companies, from small business landlubbers to national corporations and political parties. During this tenure, he has had clients from many a difficult fields of activity, including software manufacturers, e-ticket platforms, literature publishing houses, radio stations, mobile service providers, food and beverage companies, automakers, vehicle leasing firms, political parties and law firms.

Who has he worked for?

The diversity of his clients, each with his own range of marketing needs, has helped the SEO Wolf to continually adapt to the ever-changing environment of the World Wide Web and has helped him keep afloat, despite occasional SERPs high tides and Google PR sea monsters. Amongst his most trained skills, we count link building, affiliate marketing, PPC campaign management, usability engineering, online PR, social media marketing and guerrilla marketing.

What else?

Horia Neagu, the SEO Wolf has also been known to appear at various conferences intended for Internet marketing pirates, social media cutthroats and other Web 2.0 nerds. There are rumours he also can be commissioned as a speaker at such events, but this is not verifiable, as most listeners don’t live to tell the tale, due to excessive boredom. However, if you are willing to take the risk, you can send him a message in a bottle and find out for yourself what the SEO Wolf has to say on this matter.

How do I find this great buccaneer?

If you would like to get in touch with Horia Neagu, the SEO Wolf, feel free to email me at horia.neagu[at] or fill out the contact form. You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.