Posts Tagged ‘Web Metrics’

With the popularity of microblogging platform Twitter exploding into orbit, it is no wonder Marketers are suddenly looking for ways to technically analyze the system, searching for exploitable opportunities. And considering their familiarity with Google Trends, a system that studies search query vogues, it is only natural that they will try and adopt a similar method for measuring keyword prevalence in Twitter discussion topics.

There are really three good metrics for Twitter topics out there…

Twendz is the first in this Top 3 countdown. It studies the top discussion trends in Twitter and offers stat comparison between these keywords. Coevally, the system displays current Twits  dealing with said keywords. Subsequently, you can compare your own keywords and establish topical patterns.

TweetStats offers information about the number of tweets and the tweet-per-month ratio, as well as providing a tweet timeline and drawing relevant charts based on the provided data. It also features a good Twitter trends sysyem, which exhibits a Top 10 Trends chart, a Currently Trending chart and a Trend Cloud of the Day. It also provides a Top 50 Trends of All Time list.

Twist Trendistic works similar to Google Trends: you input various keywords and it generates a chart, comparing the frequency of said keywords. You can research weekly or monthly keyword occurrence, depending on the level of depth you are looking for. The system works well and it also offers daily statistics, revealing at which point in time, during a certain day, a keyword was hot – meaning most discussed.

Trendistic Twitter trends for Obama vs Britney

Trendistic Twitter trends for Obama vs Britney